Sunday, April 19, 2009

Take Two Point One

OK....after my last post I had a relapse. I still could hardly walk let alone run. Another week off from running. The good news is that my scar tissue broke free Wednesday night and I am now pain free. I told the PT that I would not run until the 20th. I have also modified my training / racing schedule to go at Cleveland. I will still travel to Pittsburgh and run the half as an easy run. I have always enjoyed Cleveland in spite of the poor race organization and course presentation, but that is another story.

Good luck to everyone running Boston. I wish I had gone.

Training Schedule
Mon: 5 easy miles
Tue: 8 easy miles
Wed: 13 group miles
Thu: 6 easy miles
Fri: Damon Tempo - 2 mile warm up + 8 mile tempo + 2 mile cool down
Sat: 8 easy miles
Sun: 22 easy miles


Anonymous,  April 23, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

I would like to hear more details about your experience with the Graston Technique!

And BTW, Hi Jim!

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